Never Blame the Lettuce!

We never blame the lettuce. If a lettuce fails to grow we look for the reasons it is not growing. We check to see if it needs more water, more sun, or more fertilizer. But we NEVER blame the lettuce!

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!
After reading the article "Why Great Teachers Matter to Low Income Students" what was the most important sentence in the article to you? For me it was "The question is whether we have the political courage to take on those who defend a status quo that serves many adults but fails many children." This stands out to me because it is the reason why I chose to be a turnaround principal. I don't believe that being poor is equal to low academic achievement and it is my goal in life to prove that theory wrong and to constantly challenge the status quo.

Monday, May 17, 2010

After reading over the 90 strategies that effective teachers use which one did you choose to implement in your classroom next year and why did you choose it?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Monday!
After reading about the cold call strategy please share how you have used this strategy in your classroom. I'm sure all of you recognize this as something you've done with your students but may not have called it this. Did you use popsicle sticks or some other method? How did your students respond? Moment of truth: Have you ever used it as a "Gotcha!"? How did you feel after reading the guidelines?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

School Creed

Happy Monday!
I included our school creed in this week's newsletter. Please share your thoughts on what it means to you as a teacher and how you think it will impact our students next year.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Saturday Symposium

Happy Monday! For those who were able to attend the Saturday Symposium please share what sessions you attended that really resonated with you and some of your major takeaways.