Never Blame the Lettuce!

We never blame the lettuce. If a lettuce fails to grow we look for the reasons it is not growing. We check to see if it needs more water, more sun, or more fertilizer. But we NEVER blame the lettuce!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hey team!
Today we interviewed a teacher candidate for the computer position. He is a great candidate and we are looking forward to advancing him to the next round. However, we haven't really thought out what the curriculum should be for our technology class. Many of you are at schools or have taught at schools previously that offered a computer class and I am hoping all of you can share what the curriculum was that your previous schools used. Looking forward to your responses!


  1. During my first year of teaching my school had a computer class. However, there was no set curriculum. I am not sure if typing is covered in the technology standards, but I think it would be an awesome idea to incorporate some typing and Microsoft Office lessons into the curriculum. It would greatly benefit our children especially in a world where there is such a high dependency on technology. Our computer teacher also helped us during test prep by allowing students to access study island and tracking their scores upon completion.

  2. There is a interactive career development program that I would like to possibly collaborate with the technology teacher through out the school year. It has several sub-programs for all grade levels. Its main focus is education and career planning. For more information you can go on

  3. Beyond typing, I think it is important for our students to learn first hand how technology can extend their learning and increase their opportunities for communication and self expression. The students should learn common programs and use them to create meaningful, interdisciplinary products for use in computer class as well as in their core classrooms.

    My former campus had a dynamic curriculum wiki which linked to our library resource webpage for our students. The students could then use the web-based programs linked on this page to create projects based on curriculuar learning while in a technology rich environment supported by their technology teacher.

    I think we will want to make the lessons they are learning in computer as interdisciplinary as possible to reinfornce the importance of a diverse education.

    Yay! I love technology!
