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Monday, August 2, 2010

Bradwell Culture Week

Happy Monday!
After reading through the plans for Culture Week, please share your thoughts. What are the benefits of taking the time to focus on creating a positive school culture and what might be some disadvantages? What did we miss?


  1. It was great to receive the Culture Week Info. 5th grade is excited about it! We just have a few questions:

    - Some AUSL coaches suggested that we don't have a seating chart on the first day because rosters often change at the last minute and it makes coming in the classroom difficult to manage as students are looking for their proper seat. Any thoughts on those issues?

    -In some classrooms birthdays are not emphasized out of respect for the religion of some students. Should we take that into consideration with our class calendar/birthday activity?

    -Is the homeroom college the college that the teacher attended?


  2. I digg the culture week! I think it is a wonderful way to get students excited without overwhelming them. However, like Lindsey, I too have some questions.

    - I was also going to leave seats open on day one and possibly in rows until I get to know my students. I want to be able to see everyone’s eyes the first week. Is this a requirement?

    - Are we having specials on the first day? I see that you have us moving into preps on Thursday, but I was unsure if that means we follow and stay with our students in specials on Tuesday and Wednesday, or if that means no specials & preps at all until Thursday.

    -Is the homeroom college picked by the class or is it my alma mater?

    - Is there a specific sequence you would like us to follow in these beginnign days and approximately how long do you see this taking? (Minutes)


  3. Great questions team! Please excuse me if I included anything that is in conflict with what you learned in your sessions. Because we couldn't be in every session we aren't always aware of what the message is. Now after that disclaimer let me answer your questions:
    1. Yes you can do open seating until you get to know your students.
    2. No specials until Thursday
    3. Even if you don't celebrate your students bday I don't think it goes against any religion to have a board with their bdays listed. But again up to you- its just a way to get to know your students and bond with them.
    4. Yes your students can study your alma mater or another college of choice
    5. I didn't give you a sequence b/c next week you will begin scripting out your first week. I don't mind when you do it or in what order. But I'm hoping it will help you to know where to go as you begin scripting. Hope this is helpful.

  4. Positive school culture and social-emotional learning are key components for successful schools. Without feeling connected to school, students are more likely to be absent and misbehave when they are there. Positive school culture is just as important as quality instruction. Our students' academic achievement will not improve if one of those components is missing.
    I do not see any disadvantages to creating positive school culture.

    The only recommendation that I have is to incorporate more practicing and modeling of our "B Attitudes." I only saw it on day 1 and day 4 for the week. I think this needs to be daily until students start exhibiting the expectations on their own.
